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It is important to note that the drain hose should not be connected below the outlet. Because then the machine will run empty again and again, and water must be constantly pumped up.And it's not nice for the water bill either. The hose should also not be connected too high, as the pump only has a certain pump capacity.

Pillow bought, everything seems great - but after a few nights it turns out: it has the wrong height. Stupid! Therefore, models that can be adapted to personal needs are helpful - via a zipper. This allows you to remove some of the filling material or add more. Some supporting foam cushions also offer this possibility. Inside they then consist of several larger parts.

Pillows with loose filling should be shaken regularly to maintain their bulkiness and adaptability.For washable fillings it is recommended to wash the complete pillow approx. every six months, the same applies to washable covers of neck support pillows with foam core. If the user perspires heavily or is allergic to house dust, more frequent cleaning may be advisable.

Side sleepers: The distance between the mattress and the head area is greatest in the side position. In order for the shoulder to sink into the mattress, the pillow must not reach under the shoulder, but only support the head and neck. The recommended pillow size is therefore a supporting pillow of 40×80 cm or 40×60 cm. Depending on the contours of your body (wide or narrow shoulders), the height required may vary - in this case you should try lying on the pillow and have a second person check whether the spine forms a straight line and its shoulder axis is at right angles to the mattress. If your neck area is considerably narrower in relation to the width of your head, you will lie most comfortably on an ergonomically shaped neck support pillow, otherwise soap-shaped pillows are also recommended. Back sleepers: If you are lying on your back most of the time, you should make sure that you do not choose your pillow too high. A relatively flat pillow is usually sufficient to keep your head horizontal - it should never be tilted upwards. In this sleeping position, the pillow's main task is to provide correct support for the lordosis in the cervical spine area, so it is best to lie on a flat neck support pillow, which supports the cervical spine by means of an ergonomic elevation in the lower pillow area and does not reach under the shoulder area. If you have a pronounced hunchback, you may need a slightly higher pillow to lie comfortably. Abdominal sleepers: In the not recommended prone position, no pillow is actually needed, since raising the head area inevitably leads to overstretching the neck and bending the spine in the direction of the hollow back. Also, the neck vertebrae are strongly twisted when using a pillow. If you cannot sleep at all without a pillow, you should only use a very flat pillow, in which you should not sink in if possible - only in this way is it possible to breathe without having to turn your head even more. Some manufacturers offer specially shaped pillows for this purpose, which have a hollow in the nose and mouth area.

When buying a pillow, brains are required! Because here it is not a question of taking what you like - no, here it is: Take what suits me! Those who do not observe this simple rule quickly pay for their ignorance with morning tensions, back and neck pain.

If the bulging force decreases, if hollows are visible in the core or if the foam becomes brittle, it is time to buy a new cushion. For hygienic reasons, a non-washable pillow should be replaced after two years at the latest. Pillows with a foam core last on average about five years. Since loose fillings suffer from material fatigue a little faster (material is “compressed”) and thus lose their bulk and support strength, it can be useful to replace the pillow after about three years or at least have it refilled.

The water supply hose transports water into the dishwasher. The sewage hose, on the other hand, should lead the dirty water out. As a rule, every new machine has such a waste water hose. If this is not the case, you simply go to the DIY store and get this hose.

Humanity has long paid attention to water. We all know very well that there is no life on earth without water. Dry grain can lie in the soil for years, but it only grows when there is moisture that contains grain. Despite the fact that water is the most needed and used substance on earth, its distribution on earth is not uniform. On the African continent and in Asia the amount of water is therefore very small. There are large areas of dry desert land. Even the countries live on imported water. Thus Algeria brings it from other countries to supply itself completely with water. Water is also supplied to some coastal regions of Greece. Water often costs more than wine. According to the United Nations, 2.5 billion of the world's population have experienced a severe shortage of drinking water since 1985.

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