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For some years now, mattresses with viscose foam have also been available. The so-called memory effect ensures that the mattress adapts to the body rather ideally. The reason: the material not only reacts to pressure and weight, but also to body temperature. Viscose foam is less suitable for people who sweat a lot or move around a lot while sleeping.

The most expensive device does not always have to be the best: This is shown by the test results of Stiftung Warentest in 2015 and 2018. By way of comparison: the “Thermomix TM5” from Vorwerk only achieved a place in the midfield in the 2015 test (“satisfactory” with a grade of 2.9). An overview of the best tested models is provided here.

“Hello, I need a new pillow, a white one!” With this information, you don't even need to come to salespeople. Better tell them what position you sleep in at night, the firmness of your mattress and whether or not you feel tension in the morning with your current pillow. Salespeople can do much more with this - and give you individual and better advice!

Humanity has long paid attention to water. We all know very well that there is no life on earth without water. Dry grain can lie in the soil for years, but it only grows when there is moisture that contains grain. Despite the fact that water is the most needed and used substance on earth, its distribution on earth is not uniform. On the African continent and in Asia the amount of water is therefore very small. There are large areas of dry desert land. Even the countries live on imported water. Thus Algeria brings it from other countries to supply itself completely with water. Water is also supplied to some coastal regions of Greece. Water often costs more than wine. According to the United Nations, 2.5 billion of the world's population have experienced a severe shortage of drinking water since 1985.

You should replace your pillow after five years at the latest. Not only for hygienic reasons - the pillow also loses elasticity and height over time. To maintain the function of the pillow for as long as possible, it should be shaken and aired every morning. EXCEPTION: Do not shake models with natural hair, otherwise the cohesion of the filling will be destroyed.

If you are a slimmer type, a softer sleeping pad is usually more suitable for you. However, problems can also arise here: “If the mattress is too soft, the spine bends, which can cause back pain,” says Geisler. Therefore, you have no choice but to try out the mattress in the shop and walk according to your feeling.

Which air purifier works best depends on the type of filter. Basically, it can be said that a Hepa filter or a combination model (Hepa and carbon filter, or with nanofilter) works most effectively. When buying a filter, please pay attention to the information up to which particle size the filter works effectively.

Side-sleepers must make sure that the shoulder remains stable on the mattress and that the head does not bend down. A narrow pillow size of 40 x 60 or 40 x 80 centimetres, which fits well into the cavity between the shoulder and head, is best suited.

Our product crawler scans all available products on Amazon every hour. The goods with reduced prices are filtered out. This selection is then ordered algorithmically according to the amount of discounts. This way you are guaranteed not to miss any of the (sometimes only briefly) available offers anymore.

What is bought most often? no recommendation is as credible as a verified purchase. That's why our crawlers search for the best-selling products on Amazon from every relevant category on a daily basis. The result is shown in the bestseller lists.

That is for you to decide. Because the manufacturers do specify for each mattress whether it is hard, medium hard or soft. But these specifications are not subject to any standard. This means that every manufacturer defines “hard” differently. In principle, people who are a little heavier should choose a harder mattress. But “if it is too hard, you roll around more at night and sleep less well”, says Dr. Peter Geisler, head of the sleep medicine centre at the Regensburg district hospital.

Degree of purification, slightly lower than that of water purifiers connected to the water supply. The amount of purified water is the same as for a can (usually 1 - 2.5 litres). If you need more water, you have to fill the pitcher 2, 3 or more times.

We know that a 65% person consists of water. Embryos are 97 percent water. If you beloved this post and you would like to acquire a lot more facts pertaining to Light Switches kindly take a look at our page. In a healthy body there is a balance in the water balance. During aging, the water content in the body decreases. In order for the water balance to be normal, we need to consume up to 2.5 litres of water a day. But not all water is useful. It has long been known that tap water is not acceptable for consumption in its raw form in the body. Theoretically it can be assumed that the water from the tap comes to you in full accordance with GOST. But unfortunately everyone knows that the water is again physically and informally polluted. This is due to the condition of the pipes and the passageways. It should be defended, filtered and cleaned. This is a long process that takes a day or more. You must store the containers in which water settles and is cleaned. It's tedious, uncomfortable and not entirely hygienic. Fortunately, there is a way out in the late days of technology. This is a variety of water filters.

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