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portal_bosses [2020/02/15 18:08]
cleartonic created
portal_bosses [2022/08/14 02:08] (current)
dryzalizer [Bosses] Added DragonClan
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 === Conditions for access ===  === Conditions for access === 
-  * Defeat a boss at one of the three meteors in World 1 among Karnak, Walse or Lonka Ruins, then walk into the warp portal at one of those locations 
   * Obtain all 4 Tablet Key Items   * Obtain all 4 Tablet Key Items
 +  * Before the final portal to Neo Exdeath, interact with the Crystal to the left to be taken to the boss arena
 === Bosses === === Bosses ===
-Finer details about each boss will not be provided - the goal is to experiment and figure out the bosses strengths & weaknesses. If you're very interested in learning more, you can refer to [[this page for stats|https://​github.com/​caerulius/​FFVCareerDay/​blob/​master/​utilities/​data/​tables/​portal_bosses.csv]] and [[this directory for AI|https://​github.com/​caerulius/​FFVCareerDay/​tree/​master/​utilities/​data/​portal_boss_ai]] from the source+Finer details about each boss will not be provided ​here - the goal is to experiment and figure out the bosses strengths & weaknesses. ​
 ^Boss^Description^ ^Boss^Description^
 |SomberMage|A wind & zombie mage| |SomberMage|A wind & zombie mage|
 +|RainSenshi|An aquatic swordmaster|
 +|DragonClan|A draconic physics trio|
 +If you're very interested in learning more about the mechanics of the bosses, you can refer to [[https://​github.com/​caerulius/​FFVCareerDay/​blob/​master/​utilities/​data/​tables/​portal_bosses.csv|this page for stats]] and [[https://​github.com/​caerulius/​FFVCareerDay/​tree/​master/​utilities/​data/​portal_boss_ai|this directory for AI]] from the source. ​
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