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reward_locations [2019/11/13 15:48]
cleartonic created
reward_locations [2021/01/25 04:44] (current)
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 ===== Reward Locations ====== ===== Reward Locations ======
-This is a list of all reward locations in the game. Boss checks are separate and not part of this. All rewards here will result in a collectible,​ which may be subject to [[tiering||tiering]] based on your settings.+This is a list of all reward locations in the game. Boss checks are separate and not part of this. All rewards here will result in a collectible,​ which may be subject to [[tiering|tiering]] based on your settings.
 ^Area^Location^Type^ ^Area^Location^Type^
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 |Kuzar|12 Kuzar Events|Event| |Kuzar|12 Kuzar Events|Event|
 |Lix|Temptation Song at Lix|Event| |Lix|Temptation Song at Lix|Event|
-|Mirage Village|Mirage Vest from Chocobo Tour/Mirage Village|Event| 
 |Mirage Village|Mirage Village Barrel|Chest| |Mirage Village|Mirage Village Barrel|Chest|
 |Moogle Village|Moogle Cave Chest|Chest| |Moogle Village|Moogle Cave Chest|Chest|
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