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hint_system [2019/11/11 23:00]
hint_system [2022/08/14 02:02] (current)
dryzalizer [Barren Hints] specified above-ground Walse Tower
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 ====== Barren Hints ====== ====== Barren Hints ======
-Barren hints specifically refer to areas where there are no key items whatsoever. They refer to a generic '​area_tag'​ instead of a direct location. For example, a barren hint could be for a "​tower"​ area, which could refer to all locations in towers (Walse Tower, Barrier Tower, Fork Tower). If one were to get a barren hint for this, checking tower locations would only result in item/​magic/​ability/​crystal collectible rewards, not key items. ​+Barren hints specifically refer to areas where there are no key items whatsoever. They refer to a generic '​area_tag'​ instead of a direct location. For example, a barren hint could be for a "​tower"​ area, which could refer to all locations in towers (above-ground ​Walse Tower, Barrier Tower, Fork Tower). If one were to get a barren hint for this, checking tower locations would only result in item/​magic/​ability/​crystal collectible rewards, not key items. ​
 ====== World Hints ====== ====== World Hints ======
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 The hint system has the following types of hints: The hint system has the following types of hints:
   * 5 Path of the Void hints   * 5 Path of the Void hints
-  * 4 Direct hints 
   * 0-3 Barren hints   * 0-3 Barren hints
   * 3-6 World hints   * 3-6 World hints
 +  * 4 Direct hints
 There may be fewer Barren hints relevant to the seed than 3 (in that there are less than 3 barren locations), so any hints that are not used for Barren hints are converted to World hints. ​ There may be fewer Barren hints relevant to the seed than 3 (in that there are less than 3 barren locations), so any hints that are not used for Barren hints are converted to World hints. ​
 +===== Hint Tags =====
 +Areas are given "hint tags" to offer helpful clues as to where a key item may be, without giving the exact location. This list may change & grow (multiple tags per location) over time.
 +^Location^Hint Tags^
 +|Ancient Library|library|
 +|Torna Canal|ship|
 +|Ship Graveyard|ship|
 +|North Mountain|mountainous|
 +|Walse Tower|tower|
 +|Desert of Shifting Sands|desert|
 +|Tycoon Meteor|meteor|
 +|Flying Lonka Ruins|aerial|
 +|Lonka Meteor|meteor|
 +|Walse Meteor|meteor|
 +|Karnak Meteor|meteor|
 +|Ancient Library|library|
 +|Walse Kingdom|castle|
 +|Exdeath'​s Castle|castle|
 +|Big Bridge|bridge|
 +|Moogle Waterway|cave|
 +|Bal Castle|castle|
 +|Hiryuu Valley|mountainous|
 +|Zeza Fleet|ship|
 +|Barrier Tower|tower|
 +|Mua Forest|burning|
 +|Exdeath'​s Castle|castle|
 +|Tule Pass|cave|
 +|Bal Castle|cave|
 +|Great Trench|underwater|
 +|Fork Tower|tower|
 +|Istory Falls|underwater|
 +|Solitary Island|bridge|
 +|Walse Tower|underwater|
 +|North Mountain|mountainous|
 ====== Hint Locations ====== ====== Hint Locations ======
 There are **15 locations** where hints are available via NPCs. Simply talk with these NPCs to get their hints. Some require key items & world access to reach. ​ There are **15 locations** where hints are available via NPCs. Simply talk with these NPCs to get their hints. Some require key items & world access to reach. ​
 +Chancellor in Tycoon (after reward cutscene in Tower)
 Zokk in Tule Zokk in Tule
Line 38: Line 81:
 {{:​hint_4.png?​400|}} {{:​hint_4.png?​400|}}
-Scholar in Walse Tower+Scholar in Walse Castle
 {{:​hint_5.png?​400|}} {{:​hint_5.png?​400|}}
Line 54: Line 97:
 {{:​hint_8.png?​400|}} {{:​hint_8.png?​400|}}
-Wizard in Rugor+Wizard in Mua
 {{:​hint_9.png?​400|}} {{:​hint_9.png?​400|}}
-Wizard in Mua+Wizard in Rugor
 {{:​hint_10.png?​400|}} {{:​hint_10.png?​400|}}
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